Scientific publication January 2021 Risks to future atoll habitability from climate‐driven environmental changes WIREs CLIMATE CHANGE Authors: Virginie Duvat, Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Policy Brief January 2021 Designing flexible governance for climate adaptation pathways in small islands: insights from multiple case studies Authors: Ariadna Anisimov, Alexandre K. Magnan
Blog post November 24th 2020 Adaptation to climate change in the aftermath of the Paris Agreement: on the rise globally, but policy and scientific challenges ahead Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Ariadna Anisimov, Alexandra Deprez and 1 more.
Scientific publication November 2020 Frontiers in Climate Change Adaptation Science: Advancing Guidelines to Design Adaptation Pathways Current Climate Change Reports Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, E. Lisa F. Schipper, Virginie Duvat
05 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Are the Green Climate Fund investments in the Small Island Developing States relevant and effective? English-speaking webinar organised by the GCF / 9:00 am CEST Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
12 OCT 2020 14 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Outermost Regions Forum 2020 English-speaking webinar organised by the European Commission in Brussels Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Scientific publication October 2020 Towards adaptation pathways for atoll islands. Insights from the Maldives REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
30 SEP 2020 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required Replay: "Anticipating and managing climate change in the most vulnerable territories" International symposium: "Climate change: anticipating to adapt" Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Op-ed September 13th 2020 Changement climatique : penser les « trajectoires » de l’adaptation Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Ariadna Anisimov, Vivian Dépoues
Scientific publication September 2020 Burning embers: towards more transparent and robust climate-change risk assessments NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT Author: Alexandre K. Magnan
Scientific publication September 2020 Assessment of coastal risk reduction and adaptation-labelled responses in Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean) REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Authors: Virginie Duvat, Ariadna Anisimov, Alexandre K. Magnan
02 JUN 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Rebuilding marine biodiversity" English-speaking webinar, without translation Speakers: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Nancy Knowlton, Daniela Diz and 1 more.