17 NOV 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Small island states and climate change: can nature provide solutions? - With: Alexandre Magnan Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Publication scientifique November 2017 The Paris Agreement and climate change negotiations: Small Islands, big players. A commentary Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Timothée Ourbak
05 NOV 2017 Bonn PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Because the Ocean COP23 Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Autre publication October 2017 Maladaptation au changement climatique : commencer par bien faire ce que l’on fait mal CNRS Éditions Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
02 OCT 2017 06 OCT 2017 Fidji PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only First meeting of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Tribune October 5th 2017 Hurricanes: rescue natural defences Nature Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
28 SEP 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Advisory board of the OA-ICC (Ocean acidification international coordination center) of the IAEA - A. Magnan Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
26 SEP 2017 27 SEP 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Annual workshop of the SOLAS-IMBER Working Group on Ocean Acidification - A. Magnan Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
20 SEP 2017 22 SEP 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event International workshop Water and Climate Speakers: Yann Laurans, Alexandre K. Magnan, Sébastien Treyer
Tribune September 20th 2017 Harvey, Irma, Maria : « les impacts des catastrophes naturelles peuvent être réduits s’ils sont anticipés » lemonde.fr Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
Blog post September 18th 2017 Climate Week: solidarity and vulnerability reduction at the heart of the post-Paris agenda Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, David Levaï
05 SEP 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Atelier « Prospectives autour du littoral » - A. Magnan Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan