11 MAY 2016 13 MAY 2016 Postdam PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Sustainable Development Goals for the Ocean: Turning Commitment into Action Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
Tribune May 2nd 2016 Pétrole et gaz offshore, une activité insuffisamment encadrée The Conversation Author: Julien Rochette
28 APR 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only IPBES: Kuala Lumpur, and what now? FRB / IDDRI Seminar Speakers: Yann Laurans, Aleksandar Rankovic, Sébastien Treyer and 1 more.
24 MAR 2016 25 MAR 2016 PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Areas beyond national jurisdiction in the Western Indian Ocean: from science to action Speaker: Julien Rochette
Tribune March 21st 2016 Historic UN talks could save the high seas The Conversation Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Tribune March 20th 2016 Un rendez-vous historique pour protéger la haute mer des convoitises The Conversation Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Study March 2016 The long and winding road continues: Towards a new agreement on high seas governance Authors: Julien Rochette, Elisabeth Druel, Kristina Gjerde and 1 more.
Issue Brief March 2016 Sea change: Negotiating a new agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
03 MAR 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Ocean Governance: challenges and opportunities Speaker: Julien Rochette
Tribune February 4th 2016 Non, l’océan n’est pas le grand oublié des discussions internationales The Conversation Author: Julien Rochette
Tribune January 18th 2016 La loi Littoral, trente ans de protection et de polémique The Conversation Author: Julien Rochette
Tribune December 30th 2015 Because the ocean: Global Ocean Commission Global Ocean Commission Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Julien Rochette, Jean-Pierre Gattuso