Working Paper July 2015 Developing area-based management tools in areas beyond national jurisdiction: possible options for the Western Indian Ocean Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Publication scientifique July 2015 Regional oceans governance mechanisms: A review Authors: Lucien Chabason, Raphaël Billé, Julien Rochette and 2 more.
Scientific publication July 2015 Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Julien Rochette, Sébastien Treyer and 1 more.
Autre publication June 2015 Setting a course for regional seas PNUE Authors: Lucien Chabason, Julien Rochette
23 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only What role for the Nairobi Convention in the high seas ? Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
20 JUN 2015 21 JUN 2015 Mahe (Seychelles) PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Supporting the development of regional initiatives for Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Abidjan Convention Region Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
20 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Developing area-based management tools in areas beyond national jurisdiction : Possible scenarios for the Western Indian Ocean Speaker: Julien Rochette
17 JUN 2015 18 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Blue Economy and Oceans Governance Workshop Speaker: Julien Rochette
09 JUN 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Activités pétrolières et gazières en offshore et protection de l'environnement Speaker: Julien Rochette
08 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event World Oceans Day Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Julien Rochette, Michel Colombier and 1 more.
Issue Brief June 2015 Ocean energy: key legal issues and challenges Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright, Anne Marie O’Hagan and 7 more.
28 MAY 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation 7e réunion du Groupe national informel haute mer Speaker: Julien Rochette