Almost 13 years since the idea was first proposed a group of international technical experts will meet in Lima, from the 22nd to 25th of January 2007, to examine the potential role of a system of certificates of origin/source/legal provenance as part of an international regime on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing (ABS).
- Connie Kehler (Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association), International Plant Identification Practice, Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition.
- Jorge Cabrera (INbio), Practices and experience documenting and negotiating contractual provisions for tracking genetic resources: the case of INBio.
- Enrique Chujoy (CIP), Documentation of Plant Germplasm at theInternational Potato Center.
- Leonard Hirsch (Smithsonian Institution), Certificates of Origin, Source and or Legal Provenance and the Scientific Collections Process.
- Preston Hardison (Tribu Tulalipe), ABS, TK and TK Registers