A workshop co-organised by IDDRI and CERIC (Centre d'études et de recherches internationales et communautaires), within the framework of the GICC (Programme Gestion et impacts du changement climatique) led by the French ministry of Environment, with the support of ADEME (Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie) and ONERC (Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique).

Programme of sessions :

- Opening address
- 1. The legal structuring of the new climate agreement
- 2. The scope of the common but differentiated responsibilities principle in climate
- 3. Sectoral approaches: REDD
- 4. Implementation control and non-compliance sanctions in the future climate regime:
Evolution or adaptation of the "observance" system?
- 5. Constraints (and flexibility) of WTO law in the drafting of a new climate regime
- 6. The international climate regime after Durban and in prospect of the Rio+20 Summit
- 7. Viewpoint
- Conclusions
- Closing Remarks

Note : Free entrance, on registration (limited number of seats)

Registration: Donia Landoulsi-Faure (donia.landoulsi@orange.fr)

>> Download the workshop's programme