On August 6, Iddri will host the second meeting of the Informal Working Group on Interim Finance for REDD (IWG IFR), together with Agence française de développement and the Norwegian government initiative on forests and climate.

This working group was established at the request of heads of States who met on the margins of the G20 summit in London in April 09 at an event convened by Prince of Wales. The working group aims at delivering recommendations in the areas of financial needs, fund raising mechanisms, delivery architecture, and relationship with on-going negotiations under UNFCCC.

IWGIFR initiated its work programme during a meeting in Oslo on May 14 and is pursuing it by electronomic means. Iddri is commited from the beginning, mainly through Ciryl Loisel's participation.

Over the August 6 meeting (by invitation only), a draft report will be examined with a view to present the outcome at the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York City in September and at the World Bank Annual Meeting in Istanbul in October.

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Contact : Julie Cohen, Cyril Loisel