A workshop organized by IDDRI and FERDI, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Development Agency, the French Global Environment Facility, and the European Commission’s DG for Research (FP7 - Project Sustainable Rio)

Since 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have provided a roadmap for development, with the year 2015 as the first waypoint. With this date soon upon us, it is time to redefine the objectives. Meanwhile, the states present at the last Earth Summit in Rio have laid the foundations for a sustainable development agenda based on the principle of quantitative targets inspired by the MDGs.

Through the MDG and SDG processes, a vision of development for the next twenty years will emerge. However, some questions remain, starting with the relationship between the two processes and with regards to our ability to learn from the MDG process to enable the post-2015 targets to be defined.

The workshop will bring together an invited panel of experts drawn from academic, ministerial and political fields, and from associations and think tanks, all of whom are actively involved in the debate. It aims to contribute to the political processes currently underway, from which must emerge a vision of development for the next twenty years.