A student symposium in response to the climate challenge organized by Sciences Po Environnement, in partnership with Iddri and as part of the "COP21: Make it Work"initiative. 

From 13h00 to 18h00 at the Société Nationale d' Horticulture de France. 

This conference marks the closing ceremony of the ASPE / Iddri scientific competition, organised for undergraduate and master students in the Ile-de-France Region, on the issue of climate change. On 31 March, the winners of the competition, selected by a jury of doctoral students from the four disciplines chosen (economics, sociology, law and international relations), will present their work in the presence of renowned researchers and will discuss their innovative nature in the face of climate change. 

Laurence Tubiana, ambassador in charge of negotiations for climate change and special government representative for the Paris Climat 2015 conference, director of the Chair of Sustainable Development at Sciences Po and founder of Iddri, will open the symposium as part of the Sciences Po program "Paris Climat 2015: Make it Work", which aims to make climate issues a unifying and transversal theme for rethinking international negotiations.  

Bruno Latour, sociologist, philosopher of science and professor at Sciences Po Paris; Daniel Compagnon, political scientist and professor at Sciences Po Bordeaux; Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, jurist, director of CERIC, professor at the Université Aix-Marseille; and Jean-Charles Hourcade, economist, researcher at CIRED, research director at EHESS and lead author of the IPCC, will each speak at the conference in Paris. 

At the end of the discussions, the author of the best student paper will receive the first prize in the competition: a publication of his work by Iddri. On this occasion, Sébastien Treyer, Director of Programmes at Iddri, will conclude this half-day session dedicated to the role of social science research and innovation in the fight against climate change. 

Interdisciplinary debates, reflections on the climate issues at COP21, engagement and involvement of students in the fight against climate change: these are the ambitions of this event.