A talk by Teresa Ribera at the symposium entitled "A Time for New Policies in View of Climate Change", organized by the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Introduction and moderation:

Ms Hélène Flautre, former MEP

The effects of climate change, which are often delayed, invisible and irreversible are not adequately addressed by the current processes of representative democracy that have led to the professionalization of political staff and the prioritization of the short term, without considering the relationship between humanity and the biosphere. How can we invent new methods of mobilization, advocacy, policy and institutional action that take the long term into account, along with the risks of climate change and biodiversity loss, issues of ecosystem preservation and restoration, and adaptation issues particularly in the South?


Opening statement:


Ms Maria Teresa Ribera, Director of IDDRI, Former Secretary of State for Climate Change in Spain


Ms Catherine Aubertin, Environmental Economist, IRD Research Director

Mr Hector Alimonda, Author of “La naturaleza colonizada”, University of Rio de Janeiro

Mr Brice Lalonde, UN Special Advisor on Sustainable Development

Mr Christophe Aguiton, Researcher-Activist in Political Science

Mr James Brainard, Mayor of Carmel, Indiana, United States

Mr Papa Meissa Dieng, Secretary General of African Greens Federation

Ms Cristina Narbona, former Environment Minister of Spain


Concluding remarks:

Mr Haidar El Ali, Former Ecology and Fisheries Minister of Senegal