Climate Change Department at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), with the support of the Chinese Academy of Science’s Institutes of Science and Development

15 November, 10:30-12:30 am

Blue Zone, China Pavilion

This event will invite leading energy and climate experts from China and international institutes. They will present key researches under the National Key Program of Low-carbon Development Strategy of China led by NDRC and have an in-depth discuss on China and international experiences and lessons in the low-carbon development, with a purpose to provide suggestions on how to promote the low-carbon transition of China’s economy and society in the long run.

10:30-12:05 Keynote Speeches

Moderator: LI Junfeng, Director General of NCSC

  • Introduction of China’s Low-carbon Development Strategy Program
    Climate Change Department, NDRC, China
  • China’s Green Transition and Development: Theory and Practice
    Wang Yi, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, Vice President and Professor of the Chinese Academy of Science’s Institutes of Science and Development
  • China Energy Low-carbon Development Strategy
    Liu Qiang, Director of Strategy and Planning Department, NCSC
  • Toward Low-carbon Development in China: Finding from TIMES Model
    Chen Wenying, Deputy Director of the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University
  • Low-carbon Development Strategy of Forestry Eco-city: Yichun Case
    Wei Yiming, Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology

12:05-12:30 Panel discussion

Panel members will discuss global GHGs emission controlling target, low-carbon development strategy in different countries, and the key issues and strategies to achieve the low-carbon development in China, followed by a Q&A session.

Moderator: LI Junfeng, Director General of NCSC

  • Zhou Dadi, Former DG of Energy Research Institute, Deputy Chairman of China Energy Research Society
  • Tian Chengchuan, Director, Climate Change Department, NDRC, China
  • Shamshad Akhtar, UN Under-Secretary General and UNESCAP Executive Secretary
  • Dan Utech, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy & Climate, US
  • Thomas Spencer, Energy and Climate Program Director, IDDRI, France