An informed and closed-door brainstorming event organized by IDDRI between think tanks and Member States

Presentation and Context

The Commission’s 2013 work programme announces the Commission’s intension to make proposals in 2013/14 in order to “[p]rovide a long-term perspective on how the EU will move ahead from its 2020 targets to continue the trajectory towards a low-carbon economy through a comprehensive framework for the period to 2030”. At the same time, Member States are moving forward with the implementation of their own long-term strategies, increasing the need for coordination in order to define a consistent strategy on the decades to come.

Considering the importance of linking the preparation of EU climate and energy policy beyond 2020 with the visions of Member states, this workshop is intended to provide a platform for directors of unit and expert level officials from key Member States (France, Germany, Poland, UK), as well as external policy experts, in order to have an open and intensive discussion on both political and technical aspects of European policy making and interactions with national strategies.

Drawing on the conclusions of a first brainstorming event (“What next steps for Europe’s resource efficient and low-carbon future”) organized in Brussels on October 26 with high level officials of the European Commission and external experts, the objective of this event is to:

  • gain better and mutual understanding of Member States views and
  • to provide analytical input into Member States’ and the EU’s policy reflections