The reduction of inequalities within and between countries stands as a policy goal, and deserves to take centre stage in the design of the Sustainable Development Goals agreed during the Rio+20 Summit in 2012.

The 2013 edition of A Planet for Life represents a unique international initiative grounded on conceptual and strategic thinking, and – most importantly – empirical experiments, conducted on five continents and touching on multiple realities. This unprecedented collection of works proposes a solid empirical approach, rather than an ideological one, to inform future debate.

Until 1500, it is estimated that incomes were relatively similar in all regions of the world. Since the midnineteenth century, the average standard of living is more reliably predicted by the place where one lives, compared to one’s social position within a given society. Until 1500, it is estimated that incomes were relatively similar in all regions of the world. Since the midnineteenth century, the average standard of living is more reliably predicted by the place where one lives, compared to one’s social position within a given society.


The full Dossier is downloadable and a selection of representative texts are proposed for reading on A Planet for Life website

Regards sur la Terre

A Planet for Life is a publication on sustainable development, which combines the analyses of experts and practitioners from all over the world, giving the perspective of both Northern and Southern countries. Its principle: the diversity of observations. Since its creation in 2007, around 500 authors from all subject areas have contributed to it.

A Planet for Life was published every year in hard copy until 2015, each Annual focusing on a specific topic. In 2016, A Planet for Life has become a digital platform making available to everyone for free 10 years of expertise and analysis, as well as maps, agendas, etc. New issues are also regularly explored and presented online.

A Planet for Life website