Europe is currently in the process of developing a new "governance system" to ensure that it meets its 2030 and 2050 climate and energy objectives. In this discussion, one of the key actors is the United Kingdom. In line with a more general desire to reduce EU interference in its domestic affairs, the UK's position has been perceived by some as being inconsistent with a strong European governance mechanism.

In this context, the UK's House of Lords has launched an inquiry into the subject of European energy governance. Given the European importance of the subject, both IDDRI (as a French think tank) and Ecologic (a German think tank) therefore decided to make a joint submission to this inquiry.

>> On the same issue, read IDDRI's paper: Designing planning and reporting for good governance of the EU’s post-2020 climate and energy goals

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  • Oliver Sartor,
  • Katharina Umpfenbach