This Policy Brief analyses the development challenges faced by the new collaborative mobility actors positioned in the short-distance segment, which is more promising in terms of environmental and social benefits than those who successfully develop in the long-distance segment, where there is greater competition with collective public transport. Having acknowledged that short-distance collaborative mobility actors are experiencing developmental difficulties, this Policy Brief raises the question of the role of public authorities and suggests six pillars that could form a public strategy for a collaborative and sustainable mobility.

Key messages

  • Carpooling and car sharing can reduce the environmental impact and cost of travel, the annual savings for an individual ranging from a few hundred to over 3,000€.
  • However, despite innovations brought by new actors, these practices continue to make little headway in the short-distance segment and are also struggling to break into sparsely populated areas (rural areas, outer suburbs, small cities, etc.). User access to a mix of transport solutions, including collective transport, and the efficiency of collaborative mobility platforms requiring a large number of users, are recurrent and particularly strong issues in these areas.
  • Until recently, public authorities have poorly integrated these new actors into their mobility policies. However, they have a vital role in featuring the articulation between collaborative mobility and other modes of transport.
  • A public strategy for collaborative and sustainable mobility could be based on six pillars: communication support; tax clarification; road system planning; experimentation; better governance; public funding. These pillars should be mobilized to varying degrees based on the territory types, the last pillar proving to be quite important in sparsely populated areas.

Following on the project

>> Collaborative mobility

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