Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is an Area Based Management Tool that could be included in a new Implementing Agreement for biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. The Implementing Agreement could provide a foundation for MSP by refining existing obligations and provisions on cooperation, as well as integrating biodiversity into High Seas marine management under relevant instruments, frameworks and bodies (see President’s Aid to Discussion document, section 4.2). MSP reconciles economic needs with other societal demands.
Challenges for MSP in ABNJ include the need for international cooperation and articulation with the national plans being developed by adjacent States. Co-organised by IDDRI and the EU Atlas Project, this side event will highlight the legal and governance issues associated with MSP and some more practical aspects that could contribute to MSP processes. It will also recognise challenges posed by Blue Growth and the need for evidence-based and inclusive marine spatial plans. The side event will launch a policy brief based on a peer-reviewed paper on MSP in ABNJ.