
This Policy Brief proposes specific focus and modalities for the Roadmap to Mission 1.5 to enhance cooperation and accelerate action in tackling the global climate crisis, with a focus on keeping the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement within reach. It underscores that addressing the current gaps in ambition and implementation requires not only national efforts but also a transformation of the global cooperation system to support climate action at scale. It also highlights the need to proactively address growing tensions between domestic transition policies and international goals. And it argues that the current UNFCCC process has focused heavily on signalling required actions but has lacked effective mechanisms to ensure the implementation of those commitments, including those arising from the Global Stocktake.

This paper builds on comments and feedback received after the publication of the Note on the same topic in May 2024 and subsequent discussions at Bonn's Climate Subsidiary Bodies' meetings in June 2024.

Key Messages

  • Launched as part of COP28’s Global Stocktake Decision, the Roadmap to Mission 1.5 presents a key political opportunity to support the most important missing enablers for achieving 1.5°C-aligned and resilient climate action by enhancing international cooperation and improving international enabling environment for countries’ on-the-ground action in a ‘needs-based’ perspective in the lead up to COP30.
  • Mission 1.5 will be effective if it succeeds in helping countries to resolutely shift away from incremental short-sighted action to the collective whole-of-society systems transformation needed, particularly for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Mission 1.5 could make possible for COP30 to set up a guiding framework for international cooperation that can better connect actors and processes occurring within and outside of the UNFCCC and across scales (optimizing UNFCCC orchestration role) and better connect country transformational needs with international efforts, whilst delivering the near-term ambition of commitments to action and support starting at COP29.
  • In order to do so, under the COP Troika’s leadership, Mission 1.5 requires continuity on a clear, and understandable vision of what it needs to deliver, why, and how. The step change Mission 1.5 can bring requires embracing innovation and recognizing that the approach and modalities may be seen as an innovation to strengthen the global response to the Paris Climate Agreement.
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