Autre publication May 2019 Quelle base scientifique pour la justice climatique ? Énergie - Environnement - Infastructures Author: Henri Waisman
Report May 2019 Meeting the energy and climate challenge in Europe: 5 think tanks' proposals Authors: Antoine Guillou, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Emmanuel Tuchscherer and 4 more.
04 MAY 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference European elections: how to build a more sustainable Europe? Answers from the candidates! Speakers: Pascal Durand, Stéphanie Jankiewicz, Pierre Larrouturou and 4 more.
Report April 2019 Industrial Transformation 2050 Towards an Industrial strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe Authors: Tomas Wyns, Gauri Khandekar, Matilda Axelson and 2 more.
Study March 2019 Raising and strengthening EU climate ambition: Priorities and options for the next five years Authors: Oliver Sartor, Judith Voss-Stemping, Nicolas Berghmans and 2 more.
Scientific publication March 2019 A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies Authors: Henri Waisman, Chris Bataille, Harald Winkler and 16 more.
20 MAR 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Energy Transition - What Role for Coal ? Speakers: Oliver Sartor, Laurence Tubiana, Peter Fraser
Policy Brief March 2019 After the carbon tax freeze, what are the priorities for the French ecological transition? Authors: Mathieu Saujot, Nicolas Berghmans, Lucas Chancel
07 MAR 2019 Brussels PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Natural gas and climate commitments, two irreconcilable elements? Speaker: Nicolas Berghmans
Blog post March 5th 2019 Just transitions for the coal sector are going mainstream, but policies also need to strengthened Author: Oliver Sartor
26 FEB 2019 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required From Katowice to New York: Impact of COP 24 on EU climate change policy Speaker: Lola Vallejo
21 FEB 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Debate: the ecological transition Speaker: Michel Colombier