Working Paper December 2010 Agriculture and deforestation: What role should REDD+ and public support policies play? Authors: Romain Pirard, Sébastien Treyer
Document de travail November 2010 Can export tax be genuine climate policy? An analysis on China’s export tax and export VAT refund rebate policies Authors: Xin Wang, Ji Feng Li, Ya Xiong Zhang
Document de travail June 2010 An analysis of the short-term sectoral competitiveness impact of carbon tax in China Authors: Xin Wang, Ji Feng Li, Ya Xiong Zhang
26 JAN 2010 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Impacts sur l'eau du développement des biocarburants à l'horizon 2030 Présentation de l'étude CLIP réalisée par l'IFP et le Laboratoire Trèfle Speakers: Daphné Lorne, Jean-François Bonnet
Working Paper December 2009 The Copenhagen Accord: What happened? Is it a good deal? Who wins and who loses? What is next? Author: Emmanuel Guérin
07 OCT 2009 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Towards a New Governance of High Seas Biodiversity (conference-debate) Speakers: Julien Rochette, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Serge Beslier and 1 more.
19 MAY 2009 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Evènement public Visions d'un monde post-carbone Speaker: Michel Colombier
Report December 2008 Scenarios for transition towards a low-carbon world in 2050: What's at stake for heavy industries? (summary) Author: Michel Colombier
Document de travail October 2008 Linkage between forest-based mitigation and GHG markets Author: Cyril Loisel
Document de travail October 2008 A note on including climate change adaptation in an international scheme Author: Stéphane Hallegatte