Study August 2016 High seas fisheries: what role for a new international instrument? Authors: Julien Rochette, Kristina Gjerde, Sebastian Unger and 4 more.
Autre publication June 2016 Les spécificités juridiques liées à la gestion des milieux marins et côtiers Author: Julien Rochette
Blog post May 31st 2016 Oceans: what are the implications of the Paris Agreement? Authors: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Alexandre K. Magnan
Autre publication May 2016 Regional Oceans Governance UNEP Authors: Lucien Chabason, Raphaël Billé, Julien Rochette and 2 more.
11 MAY 2016 13 MAY 2016 Postdam PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Sustainable Development Goals for the Ocean: Turning Commitment into Action Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
Autre publication May 2016 Future of the Ocean and its Seas: a non-governmental scientific perspective on seven marine research issues of G7 interest IAPSO / IUGG / ICSU Authors: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Richard A. Feely
Tribune May 2nd 2016 Pétrole et gaz offshore, une activité insuffisamment encadrée The Conversation Author: Julien Rochette
Billet de blog April 14th 2016 Vers un accord sur la haute mer : des mesures positives à New York Author: Glen Wright
Other publication March 2016 Ocean and climate after the Paris Agreement (COP21) Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Study March 2016 The long and winding road continues: Towards a new agreement on high seas governance Authors: Julien Rochette, Elisabeth Druel, Kristina Gjerde and 1 more.
16 FEB 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event 30 years of the French coastal law: assessment and future A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Lucien Chabason, Arnaud Gueguen
Publication scientifique December 2015 Carbon-13 labelling shows no effect of ocean acidification on carbon transfer in Mediterranean plankton communities Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Author: Jean-Pierre Gattuso