Report January 2025 Catalyzing green industrialization in agri-food processing - Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration
23 OCT 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Pratiques collaboratives : quel rôle dans la transition écologique ? Speakers: Damien Demailly, Sébastien Treyer, Mathieu Saujot
23 OCT 2014 Londres (Royaume-Uni) PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public FT European Gas Summit - New Gas Supplies for Europe: Feast or Famine? Speaker: Thomas Spencer
Blog post November 24th 2020 The Paris Climate Agreement on its 5th anniversary: what has it changed? Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Michel Colombier, Sébastien Treyer
15 OCT 2014 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Conférence Sur invitation Launch Event of the EU think tank Platform Paris 2015
Scientific publication November 2020 Frontiers in Climate Change Adaptation Science: Advancing Guidelines to Design Adaptation Pathways Current Climate Change Reports Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, E. Lisa F. Schipper, Virginie Duvat
14 OCT 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence L'économie du partage est-elle durable ? Speakers: Damien Demailly, François-Michel Lambert, Antonin Léonard
14 OCT 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Mieux évaluer les coûts et bénéfices des actions climatiques dans le transport pour mieux les financer Speaker: Mathieu Saujot
Report November 2020 Climate Transparency Report: Comparing G20 climate action and responses to the Covid-19 crisis Author: Climate Transparency
13 OCT 2014 Caen PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Le sol : support d'urbanisation et de loisirs
09 OCT 2014 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Aichi target 3 on positive incentives: can market-based instruments make a difference? Speakers: Philippe Méral, Charles-Hubert Born, Romain Pirard and 1 more.
Blog post November 17th 2020 The entry into force of the Escazú Agreement: a landmark in the global environmental governance? Authors: Maria Alejandra Riaño, Damien Barchiche