Report January 2025 Catalyzing green industrialization in agri-food processing - Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration
17 JUN 2014 New York (États-Unis) PAST EVENT Conférence Evènement public Regional initiatives in ABNJ: lessons learned and future prospects Speaker: Julien Rochette
17 JUN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence L'innovation et la course aux technologies vertes entre l'Europe et les pays en développement Speaker: Matthieu Glachant
Blog post October 13th 2020 Energy renovation: what is the outlook for the recommendations of the French Citizens’ Climate Convention after the recovery plan? Author: Andreas Rüdinger
16 JUN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Écologie et progrès technologique : la raréfaction des métaux remet-elle en cause la perspective d’une croissance verte ? Speaker: Damien Demailly
16 JUN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Le rôle des institutions multilatérales dans la sécurité alimentaire mondiale : avantages et limites du système onusien Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
Blog post October 13th 2020 The zero-carbon Dragon: China’s newest climate pledges Author: Thomas Spencer
13 JUN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Biodiversity: is innovation the cure? A session of the IDDRI - Hermès Foundation Conferences Speakers: Renaud Lapeyre, Julien Rochette, Sébastien Treyer
11 JUN 2014 Bonn (Allemagne) PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Bounded flexibility: designing a "hybrid" climate agreement Speaker: Thomas Spencer
Other publication October 2020 What agricultural conversion in the context of climate change? Ramses 2021 - IFRI Author: Pierre-Marie Aubert
05 JUN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Société « post-croissance », contraintes énergie-climat & indicateurs alternatifs : comment repenser l'économie ? Speaker: Lucas Chancel
Scientific publication October 2020 Towards adaptation pathways for atoll islands. Insights from the Maldives REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat