16 MAY 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Rencontre avec Stephen L. Johnson Speaker: Stephen L. Johnson
04 APR 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Premier point d'étape de l'étude "Scénarios sous contrainte carbone - quels enjeux industriels ?" Programme de la Fondation Speaker: Michel Colombier
Working Paper April 2017 What rationales for ODA? Main donors' objectives and implications for France Authors: Tancrède Voituriez, Julie Vaillé
31 MAR 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Politiques publiques urbaines et mécanismes sur les marchés fonciers et immobiliers Session 3
31 MAR 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence State of the World - L'état de la planète 2006 Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, Christopher Flavin
Tribune April 5th 2017 Pour un nouveau contrat social urbain lesechos.fr Authors: Mathieu Saujot, Tatiana de Feraudy, Thierry Marcou and 1 more.
27 MAR 2006 28 MAR 2006 Montpellier PAST EVENT Conférence Analyse, prévention et gestion des conflits : quels outils pour quelles politiques ?
Scientific publication April 2017 Contractual arrangements for financing and managing African protected areas: insights from three case studies Author: Yann Laurans
24 MAR 2006 Curitiba PAST EVENT Exploring the environmental and developmental dimensions of geographical indications An informal Brazilian/French cross-dialogue
21 MAR 2006 PAST EVENT Bringing the material back in: United States responses to the global climate change regime Speaker: Dana Fisher
Blog post April 5th 2017 Taking action on global commodity supply chains: a tool for sustainable development Author: Pierre-Marie Aubert