15 NOV 2005 16 NOV 2005 PAST EVENT Conference Beijing Dialogue: Europe-China meeting on energy security
14 NOV 2005 15 NOV 2005 Montpellier PAST EVENT Conférence Coexistence entre filières de production agricole
Tribune March 19th 2017 How a UN platform to stop biodiversity loss could up its game theconversation.com Authors: Aleksandar Rankovic, Maud Borie
09 NOV 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence From empire to community: A new approach to international relations Speaker: Amitai Etzioni
Tribune March 16th 2017 Quatre scénarios pour comprendre les programmes des candidats en matière d’énergie theconversation.com Authors: Michel Colombier, Patrick Criqui
20 OCT 2005 21 OCT 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention WTO's contribution to sustainable development governance: Balancing opportunities and threats Troisième conférence annuelle CAT&E
18 OCT 2005 PAST EVENT Soutenabilité et gouvernance des biens communs informationnels Speaker: Philippe Aigrain
Tribune March 14th 2017 Allemagne : pas de transition énergétique sans les citoyens revue-projet.com Author: Andreas Rüdinger
Blog post March 9th 2017 Ensuring the sustainability of Sino-French third-country cooperation: the case of Morocco Author: Xin Wang