16 DEC 2003 Paris PAST EVENT Le Consensus de Washington et les leçons de la transition postcommuniste Speaker: Gérard Roland
Blog post December 21st 2016 COP13 on biodiversity in Cancun: the shake-up is a long time coming Authors: Renaud Lapeyre, Yann Laurans
02 DEC 2003 11 DEC 2003 PAST EVENT Conference Within the framework of the Convention on Climate Change (COP9) Ninth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change
18 NOV 2003 Paris PAST EVENT Les fondements éthiques de l'investissement responsable Speaker: Paul Dembinski
Autre publication December 2016 The need for fighting against ocean change Ocean Policy Research Institute & The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
12 NOV 2003 Paris PAST EVENT Science du climat, science des impacts et politique climatique Pouvons-nous aujourd'hui appréhender les risques climatiques ? Speakers: Jean-Paul Bouttes, Philippe Ambrosi, Dominique Dron and 1 more.
Issue Brief December 2016 SDG implementation: what are the countries doing? An assessment of the voluntary reviews submitted to the High-level Political Forum Authors: Damien Demailly, Laura Brimont, Julie Vaillé
02 NOV 2003 08 JUN 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Séminaire Evaluer les risques climatiques Enjeux pour la décision, enjeux pour la recherche
30 OCT 2003 31 OCT 2003 Berlin PAST EVENT Intervention Moving forward from Cancún : Première conférence annuelle CAT&E Quel bilan tirer de l'échec de la conférence de Cancun et comment continuer ?
Op-ed December 8th 2016 Commission’s Sustainable Development Package must be taken further Euractiv.fr Author: Damien Demailly