Working Paper July 2015 Understanding the promises of the collaborative economy through its theoretical foundations Authors: Damien Demailly, David Massé, Simon Borel
Autre publication July 2015 L'économie collaborative, entre utopie et big business Esprit Authors: Damien Demailly, David Massé, Simon Borel
Policy Brief July 2015 Ensuring transparency and accountability of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture in the perspective of COP21 Authors: Sébastien Treyer, Matthieu Brun, Pierre-Marie Aubert
Issue Brief July 2015 Financing development: does public funding still have a role to play? Authors: Philippe Orliange, Hubert De Milly
Publication scientifique July 2015 La fabrique des catastrophes « naturelles » Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
Tribune July 8th 2015 So we are reforming the ETS. Now what do we want it to do? Energy Post Author: Oliver Sartor
Publication scientifique July 2015 Regional oceans governance mechanisms: A review Authors: Lucien Chabason, Raphaël Billé, Julien Rochette and 2 more.
Tribune July 7th 2015 De l'alerte aux solutions, une nouvelle ère s'ouvre pour les sciences face au changement climatique Le Hufftington Post Author: Sébastien Treyer
Scientific publication July 2015 Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Julien Rochette, Sébastien Treyer and 1 more.
Rapport July 2015 What does the European power market need to decarbonise? The Role of the EU ETS and complementary policies post-2020 Authors: Oliver Sartor, Mathilde Mathieu