Op-ed July 2nd 2015 Climate change: an opportunity for EU-China cooperation Euractiv.fr Author: Teresa Ribera
Autre publication June 2015 Setting a course for regional seas PNUE Authors: Lucien Chabason, Julien Rochette
Tribune June 30th 2015 Entre course à la croissance et défi climatique, où en est la Chine ? Le Monde.fr
Blog post June 26th 2015 Reaching the Mainstream: Resilience, Climate Change and the IMF Author: Thomas Spencer
Blog post June 19th 2015 Unconventional climate policy: the next frontier Authors: Thomas Spencer, Sani Zou
Rapport June 2015 Mainstreaming Climate Change into Financial Governance: Rationale and Entry Points Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Sáni Zou and 2 more.
Blog post June 12th 2015 Review and regular contributions in the 2015 agreement: what does new data show? Author: Thomas Spencer
Report June 2015 Regular Review and Rounds of Collective Action and National Contributions the 2015 Climate Agreement: A Proposal Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Alexandra Deprez and 4 more.
Publication scientifique June 2015 Phosphate mining risks atoll culture Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
Tribune June 11th 2015 Transition énergétique : une loi ambitieuse mais des moyens limités AlterEco+ Author: Andreas Rüdinger
Report June 2015 A progressive aproach to climate challenges: the european union and the latin american and caribbean region working together