15 NOV 2016 Marrakech PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Low carbon development in addressing climate change COP22 Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Henri Waisman
15 NOV 2016 Marrakech PAST EVENT Conference Accreditation required Allocating adaptation aid according to climate change vulnerability COP22 Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Patrick Guillaumont
Blog post April 21st 2022 First Conference of the Parties of the Escazú Agreement: the implementation challenge Authors: Maria Alejandra Riaño, Damien Barchiche
14 NOV 2016 Marrakech PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Tools for Transformation: Low Emissions Development Strategies COP22 Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, Teresa Ribera
Podcast April 20th 2022 Protecting the high seas: what, why, and how? Content in French Speaker: Julien Rochette
14 NOV 2016 Marrakech PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only "Because the Ocean" COP22 Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Prince Albert II de Monaco
14 NOV 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Presentation of the INCCCETT 4CB Initiative International Network on Climate Change Centres of Excellence and Think Tanks for Capacity Building Speaker: David Levaï
Tribune April 18th 2022 Crises démocratique et écologique : « Il faut retrouver le sens du long terme » L'OBS Author: Sébastien Treyer
10 NOV 2016 11 NOV 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Conference "The Law of the Sea and Emerging Issues" Speaker: Glen Wright
08 NOV 2016 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation State of the Low-Carbon Energy Union: Europe's Progress to Deep Decarbonization Speakers: Artur Runge Metzger, Teresa Ribera, Carl de Maré and 2 more.
Note April 2022 Towards a European leadership on biodiversity for development Authors: Élise Dufief, Damien Barchiche, Matthieu Wemaëre and 2 more.