Laura Brimont coordinated the "Lifestyles in transition" project, which aims to better understand the evolution of lifestyles and their impacts in relation to ecological transition objectives. In particular, it explores mobility practices and the evolution of food demand. She has also worked on innovation issues in the mobility sector, in particular through a prospective study on autonomous mobility.
Before joining IDDRI, Laura worked for five years on deforestation issues in tropical countries, especially in Cameroon and Madagascar. Her thesis research (AgroParisTech/CIRAD) dealt with the cost of the mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Madagascar. She is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris in international relations.
Alongside her research activities at IDDRI, Laura is a part-time lecturer on the international governance of sustainable development (IEP Grenoble, University Paris 1, University Versailles Saint-Quentin).