02 DEC 2019 13 DEC 2019 Madrid PAST EVENT Conference Accreditation required IDDRI's meetings at COP25 Sides events and related publications Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Lola Vallejo, Michel Colombier and 6 more.
20 SEP 2019 Vincennes PAST EVENT Conference Biodiversity Platform 2020 Second meeting Speakers: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Cyrille Barnerias, Audrey Coreau and 5 more.
Study March 2022 Towards a better review mechanism under the post-2020 Biodiversity framework: legal options and possible institutional arrangements Authors: Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Matthieu Wemaëre, Juliette Landry and 5 more.
24 JUN 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Assessing the transformative potential of the post-2020 UNFCCC transparency system Speaker: Alexandra Deprez
14 MAR 2016 PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Dialogue sur invitation - Accord de Paris : et après ? Priorités et perspectives de la COP22 de Marrakech Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer and 1 more.
Blog post December 10th 2021 Building off COP26: Delivering on 1.5ºC and ‘net zero integrity’ through integrated climate and biodiversity action Author: Alexandra Deprez
26 JAN 2016 PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public COP21 : et maintenant ? Innover pour le climat Speaker: Alexandra Deprez
22 JAN 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event The COP21 outcome: what does it mean for the EU? Speaker: Alexandra Deprez
Policy Brief November 2021 Aligning climate action to 1.5ºC with biodiversity planetary boundaries: Three key priorities at COP26 and beyond Authors: Alexandra Deprez, Aleksandar Rankovic, Lola Vallejo
26 NOV 2015 PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public COP21 : la COP21 aura-t-elle un réel impact ? Speaker: Alexandra Deprez
20 APR 2015 22 APR 2015 Zagreb (Croatie) PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Climate change: a challenge for European diplomacies ? Speakers: Henri Waisman, Alexandra Deprez
Study June 2021 A country-driven perspective on long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) - Implications for a COP26 Decision text or outcome Authors: Henri Waisman, Marta Torres Gunfaus, David Levaï and 2 more.