25 SEP 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only What are the messages of the IPCC report on oceans and cryosphere? Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
26 JUN 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Blue Futures: addressing the Pacific Ocean-Climate Nexus Speakers: Julien Rochette, Lucien Chabason, Alexandre K. Magnan
Scientific publication June 2022 Sea level rise risks and societal adaptation benefits in low-lying coastal areas NATURE - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Author: Alexandre K. Magnan
21 JAN 2019 25 JAN 2019 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only First meeting of the IPCC Sixth Assessment report Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
17 DEC 2018 Marseille PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required "Dealing with" coastal erosion, between relocation and nature-based solutions Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Policy Brief June 2022 French Overseas Territories facing the challenge of adapting to climate change: the example of French Polynesia (Article in French) Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat, Valérie Ballu and 11 more.
03 DEC 2018 04 DEC 2018 Monaco PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Global and local measures to reduce the risks of impact of climate change on coral reefs Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
23 JUL 2018 28 JUL 2018 Lanzhou PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Third meeting of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Scientific publication June 2022 The climate change policy integration challenge in French Polynesia, Central Pacific Ocean REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Toanui Viriamu, Annabelle Moatty and 4 more.
28 JUN 2018 Monaco PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only OA-ICC Advisory Board Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
26 JUN 2018 27 JUN 2018 Villefranche-sur-mer PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Annual SOLAS/IMBER Ocean Acidification Working Group Workshop Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan