10 NOV 2016 11 NOV 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Conference "The Law of the Sea and Emerging Issues" Speaker: Glen Wright
07 SEP 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event High seas fisheries in a new international legally binding instrument - Glen Wright Speaker: Glen Wright
Scientific publication August 2019 High-seas fish biodiversity is slipping through the governance net Authors: Guillermo Ortuño Crespo, Daniel C. Dunn, Matthew Gianni and 3 more.
11 MAY 2016 13 MAY 2016 Postdam PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Sustainable Development Goals for the Ocean: Turning Commitment into Action Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
17 FEB 2016 18 FEB 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Substantive Aspects of a New International Instrument for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction Speaker: Glen Wright
Issue Brief August 2019 High Hopes for the High Seas: beyond the package deal towards an ambitious treaty Authors: Glen Wright, Klaudija Cremers, Julien Rochette and 6 more.
28 OCT 2015 30 OCT 2015 Bogotá PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation CPPS Integrated Oceanic Policy Workshop Speakers: Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
Report August 2019 Keeping an Eye on the High Seas Strengthening Monitoring, Control and Surveillance through a New Marine Biodiversity Treaty Authors: Klaudija Cremers, Glen Wright, Julien Rochette
01 OCT 2015 PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation L'Océan, bien commun de l'humanité, une utopie pour le XXIème siècle ? Speaker: Glen Wright
23 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only What role for the Nairobi Convention in the high seas ? Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Report March 2019 Regional Ocean Governance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Summary for Decision-Makers Authors: Glen Wright, Julien Rochette