19 SEP 2016 20 SEP 2016 PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Coal Transitions: Research and Dialogue on the Future of Coal Speakers: Thomas Spencer, Roberta Pierfederici, Michel Colombier and 1 more.
16 SEP 2016 17 SEP 2016 PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Meeting of the DDPP network Speakers: Henri Waisman, Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer and 1 more.
Policy Brief July 2016 Long-term low emissions development strategies and the Paris Agreement – Why, what and how? Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Henri Waisman
Blog post July 4th 2016 Methodological insights for building scenarios in the post-Paris context Author: Henri Waisman
Scientific publication June 2016 The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project: Insights and Emerging Issues (Climate Policy) Authors: Michel Colombier, Henri Waisman, Chris Bataille
16 JUN 2016 17 JUN 2016 PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Atelier d'experts // Modelling and Informing Low Emission Strategies (MILES) Speakers: Thomas Spencer, Roberta Pierfederici, Henri Waisman
Publication scientifique May 2016 Implications of the Paris Agreement for the ocean Authors: Michel Colombier, Raphaël Billé, Alexandre K. Magnan and 6 more.
Rapport May 2016 Emerging from Paris: Post-2015 process, action and research agenda Authors: Thomas Spencer, Henri Waisman, Marta Torres Gunfaus and 1 more.
03 MAY 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference The Deep Decarbonization Pathway Project (DDPP): insights and emerging issues A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Chris Bataille, Henri Waisman, Thomas Spencer
19 APR 2016 20 APR 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Pathways to Sustainable Energy 3rd Workshop Speaker: Henri Waisman
15 APR 2016 PAST EVENT Presentation Horizon 2020 – Climate challenges and Austrian-French research partnerships Speaker: Henri Waisman
23 MAR 2016 Berlin PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only The Paris Agreement - What does it mean for Africa? Speakers: Henri Waisman, Michel Colombier