20 JAN 2021 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Replay: "6th edition of the Youth & Leaders Summit" English-speaking webinar organised by the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
11 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Presentation of the Forum for the Franco-German future Webinar organised by IASS and the Embassy of France in Germany / 04:00 pm - 05:30 pm CET Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
Blog post January 5th 2023 A new era for global biodiversity? Authors: Julien Rochette, Juliette Landry, Sébastien Treyer
10 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "How can development banks use long-term strategies to align with development and climate objectives?" English-speaking webinar Speakers: Graham Watkins, Laurence Breton-Moyet, Maria Alejandra Riaño and 2 more.
09 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation 4th International Conference on Global Food Security English-speaking webinar organised by Muse, Elsevier & Wageningen University / 03:10 - 04:00 pm CET Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
Other publication December 2022 A “shared earth” approach to put biodiversity at the heart of the sustainable development in Africa Authors: Sébastien Treyer, David Obura
09 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation 4th "4 per 1000" Initiative day English-speaking webinar organised by the "4 per 1000" initiative / 12:00 pm CET Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
08 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "COP21: Legacy and perspectives 5 years later - A Canada-France conversation" French-speaking webinar, organised by the Embassy of Canada to France Speakers: Catherine McKenna, Laurent Fabius, Isabelle Hudon and 1 more.
Blog post November 24th 2022 What are the expectations for the 15th COP on biodiversity? Authors: Julien Rochette, Juliette Landry, Sébastien Treyer
30 NOV 2020 04 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "The green gold rush: which biomass economy?" 5 French-speaking debates organised by EpE Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
27 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Agriculture, food security and climate : event for the 10th anniversary of FACCE-JPI English-speaking webinar organised by the FACCE-JPI network Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
Blog post November 24th 2022 From COP27 on climate to COP15 on biodiversity: decisive political framings Author: Sébastien Treyer