Une intervention de François Gemenne ("The governance of climate adaptation: international comparison") dans le cadre de l'atelier "Governance and economics of climate adaptation" de la conférence "Deltas in times of climate change".

Présentation générale de la conférence [en anglais] :

Deltas offer abundance. Their soils are rich and well-watered. They link rivers and inland waters to the oceans. They are the centre of economic and cultural activity, and home to more than half the world’s population. Yet climate change poses severe challenges for deltas. As land subsides, sea levels rise, and populations grow, deltas and their cities are becoming more vulnerable. Increased incidence of floods, salt water intrusion and heatwaves threaten the economic vitality and attractiveness of deltas worldwide. Dealing with subsidence and adapting to climate change have become imperative. The need to address these challenges calls for cooperation of deltas worldwide.

Présentation de l'atelier "Governance and economics of climate adaptation" [en anglais] :

Governance of adaptation involves many challenges which will be addressed during this workshop: the multi-actor challenge because many actors and institutions are involved with different stakes, resources and strategies; the multi-level challenge because which geographic level to address which adaptation tasks is unclear; the multi- scale challenge because climate adaptation requires a constant alternation of short-term action and long-term anticipation; the multi-sector challenge, because many societal sectors are involved and climate adaptation lacks a settled climate policy domain itself; and the multi-perception challenge, because of the uncertainties and the various perceptions about risks, adaptation problems and solutions.

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