Une intervention d'Alexandre Magnan dans le cadre d'un side event organisé lors de l'atelier « Changement climatique, dégradation de l'environnement et migration » du Dialogue international de l'Organisation internationale des migrations (OIM) sur la migration (IDM), qui porte, pour son édition 2011, sur le thème « L'avenir des migrations : Renforcer les capacités face aux changements ».
Présentation du side event :
"Already today, environmental change is a reality for people around the world, and IOM and its partner organizations have developed a variety of strategies and activities to respond to the specific emerging challenges linked to those changes. In line with IOM's comprehensive approach to human mobility, interventions cover the continuum from emergency preparedness and response to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, contributing to the sustainable development of countries and communities. This side event will present an illustrative selection of concrete projects, which support governments and populations in coping with the effects of climate change."
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