IDDRI, together with the German Development Institute (GDI, Germany), the Global Water Partnership (GWP, Sweden), the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS, Germany) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI, Sweden), is organizing a session as part of the third Global Soil Week on the governance issues of highly complex and interdependent socio-ecological systems.


This session explores current experiences on working with the nexus heuristic across disciplines. To do so, we open the floor to a diversity of lessons learned both from theory and practice as well as spanning across a range of themes including water management, soil conservation, food security and energy security. Based on this exchange of expertise the session will embark on a transdisciplinary consultation on how our participants’ experiences, ideas and concerns could feed into a collaborative effort vis-à-vis the challenges we are facing in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda.

More information on the Global Soil Week website