Dans le cadre du 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Aleksandar Rankovic dirige et anime un panel sur l'IPBES, auquel participe également Yann Laurans.

Présentation de la session [en anglais] :

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), sometimes referred to as the "IPCC for biodiversity", released its first assessments in 2016, with several others on the way. Compared to previous international assessment mechanisms on biodiversity, IPBES innovates in its ambition to integrate a great diversity of academic and non-academic knowledges, thus potentially rendering it more sensitive to the various worldviews and framings that can be found in biodiversity debates. How this has been translated into practice and has influenced the works of IPBES, how these works influence biodiversity politics and policies, and what this teaches us about the politics of biodiversity more generally, require collective stocktaking and reflection. This panel welcomes papers on three themes. The first theme is how IPBES makes itself sensitive – or not – to certain types of issues, knowledges, worldviews, and how this is reflected both in its procedures and its productions. The second theme concerns the impacts, potential or actual, of IPBES on biodiversity debates, policies and conservation. Accounts of how IPBES releases have been mobilized in different contexts are especially welcome. Despite its young age, IPBES has already been the object of a relatively important number of works. The third theme concerns analytical and/or reflexive accounts on the literature dealing with IPBES, especially in STS, with a particular attention to identifying the questions that have been investigated so far on IPBES, and those that have not. An intertwining of the three themes in the papers is of course welcome.

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