Auteurs : K.Neuhoff, W.Acworth, A. Ancygier, F.Branger, I. Christmas, M. Haussner, R. Ismer, A. van Rooij, O. Sartor, M. Sato and A. Schop

Présentation [en anglais] :

"This report asks what is necessary to decarbonise the European steel sector by mid-century, while also preserving its international competitiveness. It identifies the potential contributions of different abatement options. These include plant efficiency improvements, process and fuel switching, deployment and commercialisation of key breakthrough technologies, greater end-use efficiency, increased recycling. It argues that, paradoxically, the steel sector must embrace the new opportunities offered by decarbonisation in order to survive in a difficult global steel market."

Résumé [en anglais] :

"As the widely divergent opinions expressed and hotly debated during the discussions on the transitional and structural reforms of the EU ETS illustrate, there is urgent need an evidence-based analysis. This research project aims at assessing how production and emission volumes, the energy and CO2 efficiency and competitiveness of companies in the Energy Intensive Industries have evolved prior and during the EU ETS, how the EU ETS may have influenced investment and operational choices at the company level and what this implies for the different options for its structural reform."

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  • Oliver Sartor