Un rapport co-écrit par l'Iddri et MAPS (Mitigation Action Plans & Scenarios), consacré à l'opérationnalisation des NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) dans le cadre de l'Agenda post-2015 et au regard des principaux résultats et éléments constitutifs de l'Accord de Paris.

Introduction [en anglais] :

"The Paris Agreement (PA), adopted by 195 countries on 12 December 2015, sets an ambitious target to combat climate change and establishes the framework for effective global cooperative action to this end. A crucial feature of the Agreement is its dynamic nature; it is not limited to driving the implementation of the national contributions submitted before the Paris Conference, but defines a dynamic process to strengthen national action and co-operation to meet the mitigation objectives of the Convention. The rules, modalities and processes to be negotiated in the next five years under the UNFCCC to operationalise the PA are very important for the detailed definition of the nature, scope and depth of the Parties’ obligations and therefore the effectiveness of the Agreement.

This report will first summarize the major outcomes of the PA and interpret their implications for the post-2015 process, notably regarding the operationalisation of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the UNFCCC process. Secondly, it will discuss some pending questions and derive insights on where actions, research and process efforts should be focused to support and strengthen the post-2015 process – both within and outside the UNFCCC."

>> En savoir plus sur le programme MAPS

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