Document de travail July 2013 Payments for environmental services and market-based instruments: next of kin or false friends? Author: Romain Pirard
Study March 2013 Biodiversity and agricultural systems in Europe: drivers and issues for the CAP reform Author: Xavier Poux
Study March 2013 International negotiations and debates: To what extent do they hinder or foster biodiversity integration into the CAP? Authors: Viviane Gravey, Sarah Lumbroso
Policy Brief March 2013 International negotiations and debates: helping or hindering biodiversity integration in the CAP? Authors: Viviane Gravey, Sarah Lumbroso
Policy Brief November 2012 Defining market-based approaches for REDD+ Authors: Romain Pirard, Kate Dooley, Till Pistorius
Policy Brief October 2012 Resource Mobilisation for Aichi Targets: ambiguous lessons from research on market-based instruments Authors: Romain Pirard, Gilles Kleitz
Working Paper October 2012 Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs): the identification process under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and possible ways forward Author: Elisabeth Druel
Document de travail July 2012 L’économie au secours de la biodiversité ? La légende des Catskills revisitée Authors: Yann Laurans, Schéhérazade Aoubid
01 JUN 2012 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Policies Against Nature? Towards a Reform of Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies A session of the IDDRI - Hermès Foundation Conferences Speakers: Raphaël Billé, Sébastien Treyer, Romain Pirard
Document de travail February 2012 Biopiracy and the Role of Private International Law under the Nagoya Protocol Author: Claudio Chiarolla
Document de travail September 2011 Marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction: The state of play Author: Elisabeth Druel