Blog post November 24th 2020 Analysing the legal scope of the Paris Agreement and related commitments Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Marta Torre-Schaub, Lucien Chabason, Michel Colombier and 1 more.
Blog post November 24th 2020 The Paris Climate Agreement on its 5th anniversary: what has it changed? Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Michel Colombier, Sébastien Treyer
Blog post November 24th 2020 Heavy industry: what effects of the Paris Climate Agreement? Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Author: Chris Bataille
Blog post November 24th 2020 Adaptation to climate change in the aftermath of the Paris Agreement: on the rise globally, but policy and scientific challenges ahead Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Ariadna Anisimov, Alexandra Deprez and 1 more.
Scientific publication November 2020 Frontiers in Climate Change Adaptation Science: Advancing Guidelines to Design Adaptation Pathways Current Climate Change Reports Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, E. Lisa F. Schipper, Virginie Duvat
Report November 2020 Climate Transparency Report: Comparing G20 climate action and responses to the Covid-19 crisis Author: Climate Transparency
20 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required 17th Biomass Meetings - Biomass production in a Europe in transition French-speaking webinar organised by the ValBiom association (Belgium) / 01:15pm - 03:45pm CEST Speaker: Alexandra Deprez
15 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event How does climate policy work? Webinar in Catalan organised by Ecoserveis / 04:00 pm (CEST) Speaker: Marta Torres Gunfaus
12 OCT 2020 14 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Outermost Regions Forum 2020 English-speaking webinar organised by the European Commission in Brussels Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan
Blog post October 13th 2020 Energy renovation: what is the outlook for the recommendations of the French Citizens’ Climate Convention after the recovery plan? Author: Andreas Rüdinger
Blog post October 13th 2020 The zero-carbon Dragon: China’s newest climate pledges Author: Thomas Spencer
Scientific publication October 2020 Towards adaptation pathways for atoll islands. Insights from the Maldives REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat