Scientific publication August 2020 Prospective des transitions énergétiques. Entre modélisation économique et analyse des scénarios stratégiques FUTURIBLES Authors: Patrick Criqui, Henri Waisman
Scientific publication August 2020 A pathway design framework for sectoral deep decarbonization: the case of passenger transportation CLIMATE POLICY Authors: Julien Lefevre, Yann Briand, Steve Pye and 6 more.
Scientific publication August 2020 Climate shocks and adaptation strategies in coastal Bangladesh: does microcredit have a part to play? CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT Author: Joanne Jordan
08 JUL 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "How to combine recovery and climate: a guide for use" French-speaking webinar, without translation Speakers: Lola Vallejo, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Hadrien Hainaut and 3 more.
Blog post June 30th 2020 La Convención de los Ciudadanos sobre el Clima: ¿cómo aprovechar la oportunidad? Authors: Nicolas Berghmans, Andreas Rüdinger, Mathieu Saujot
Blog post June 26th 2020 The Citizens’ Convention on Climate: how to make the most of the opportunity? Authors: Nicolas Berghmans, Andreas Rüdinger, Mathieu Saujot
Blog post June 23rd 2020 Energy renovation of buildings in the French recovery plan: an opportunity to be seized and pitfalls to be avoided Author: Andreas Rüdinger
17 JUN 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Building better UNFCCC-CBD bridges: operationalizing joint high climate and biodiversity ambition "End of COP" English-speaking webinars series organised by DEI and Wuppertal Institute Speakers: Alexandra Deprez, Sue Biniaz
Blog post June 16th 2020 Germany's post-crisis recovery plan: some stimulus for the climate Author: Murielle Gagnebin
04 JUN 2020 PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Est-on capable de modéliser les (in)soutenabilités ? Podcast en français - épisode 2 du cycle « Soutenabilités » de France Stratégie Speaker: Henri Waisman
Blog post June 3rd 2020 Health crisis and climate emergency: an opportunity to accelerate the diversification of oil companies' activities? Authors: Romain Schumm, Nicolas Berghmans
02 JUN 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Rebuilding marine biodiversity" English-speaking webinar, without translation Speakers: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Nancy Knowlton, Daniela Diz and 1 more.