20 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Conference COP24 climate summit: what is at stake? Conference organised by IDDRI, I4CE and La Fabrique Ecologique Speakers: Michel Colombier, Marine de Bazelaire, Sofia Fernandes and 10 more.
Blog post November 16th 2018 Some lessons on climate action from the US midterm elections Author: David Levaï
15 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Food, biodiversity, climate: which path for European agriculture? Registration closed Speakers: Ben Allen, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Sébastien Treyer
14 NOV 2018 PAST EVENT Conference Online Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2018 Webinar Speakers: Lena Donat, Jesse Burton
08 NOV 2018 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Low-carbon development strategies and social and economic consequences Conference: "1,5°C target: is it already too late?" Speaker: Henri Waisman
08 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation First working class of the Carbon Neutrality Academy Speaker: Henri Waisman
Op-ed November 6th 2018 The more we let the climate go adrift, the more the world will be unjust ID4D Author: Henri Waisman
Report October 2018 A Sectoral Perspective To Embark on Transformative Pathways Author: COP21 RIPPLES Consortium
Study October 2018 Assessing progress in the low-carbon transition in France Authors: Andreas Rüdinger, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Marie-Hélène Schwoob and 3 more.
Study October 2018 Creating a dashboard to monitor progress for the low-carbon transition Author: Andreas Rüdinger
Billet de blog October 14th 2018 L’UE à la rescousse : quelles priorités pour un multilatéralisme positif ? Authors: Lucien Chabason, James Mackie, Simon Maxwell and 3 more.
Op-ed October 14th 2018 EU to the rescue: Priorities for a positive multilateralism Euractiv Authors: Lucien Chabason, James Mackie, Simon Maxwell and 3 more.