At Paris - Sciences Po, from 10:30 am to 12:30 am. 

A conference co-organized by the European Think Tanks Group (IDDRI, DIE, ECDPM and ODI) in the framework of the Initiative for Development and Global Governance (IDGM). 

The past decade has witnessed times of existential crisis: the world is getting more complex, connected and contested. In a changing world, the EU has to change its development policy framework. For what goals and priorities? With what means?

A new European Consensus on Development is about to be laid out by EU institutions, drawing on the outcomes of an open public consultation. Will EU development cooperation necessarily focus more on poorer countries and on the immediate neighbourhood, for example? Will it have to spend more on humanitarian assistance? What are the conceivable sustainable development pathways in vulnerable poor countries? How can EU development cooperation address climate change and green energy? These are some of the important questions for the new European Consensus on Development and for the review of financial instruments in 2017.

The conference will provide the opportunity for policymakers, civil society, and academia to debate on and map out the possible options for updating EU development policy so as to meet the challenges of our time. 

With : 

  • Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Gaël Giraud, Chief Economist, AFD
  • Klaus Rudischhauser, Deputy-Director General, DEVCO, European Commission
  • Mario Pezzini, Director, OECD Development Centre
  • Teresa Ribera, Director, IDDRI -- moderator of the panel

Download the programme



Interview of Mario Pezzini

Interview of Klaus Rudischhauser