This conference, will take place on Tuesday 6 May from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and will be chaired by Claude Henry, president of IDDRI's Scientific Council and Professor at the Chaire of Sustainable Development of Sciences Po.

First Frank von Hippel will present the recent evolution of the discussion on spent fuel management inside the American administration, issue he has developed in a special report realized in the framework of IPFM (International Panel on Fissile Materials): Managing Spent Fuel in the United States: The Illogic of Reprocessing.

The conference will then be followed by a roundtable on the geopolitical aspects of investments in new nuclear power plants, noticeably to the geopolitical aspects of the US-India nuclear agreement. This issue will be presented by Dr. Zia Mian, Director of the Program on Science and Global Security’s Project on Peace and Security in South Asia at Princeton University.
Arthur de Montalemembert, Vice President International Marketing - Areva and François Nicoullaud, former Ambassador of France in Iran.

The conference and the debates will be in english - number of place limited, registration necessary.

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