This launch event is one of the side events to the T20 Brasil Midterm Conference, scheduled for 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July, in Rio de Janeiro. The event will be attended by leadership from the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, representatives from T20 and C20, research centers, think tanks, and journalists, among others.

The joint statement represents a collaboration between Working Groups 1, 5, and 7 of C20 (civil society) and Task Forces 2, 3, and 5 of T20 (think tanks). The declaration focuses on three main themes: economy, climate change, and digitalization.

In the economic agenda, contributors include the BRICS Policy Center and the Institute of World Economics and Politics for T20, and Gestos, Latindadd, and the Institute of Economic Justice for C20.

Addressing environmental and climate issues are Plataforma CIPÓ and IDDRI for T20, and the Climate Observatory, Engajamundo, and the Climate Justice Network for C20.

Regarding the digital agenda, participants include Data Privacy and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) for T20, and the Consumer Defense Institute (Idec), Public Policy and Internet Laboratory (Lapin), and Amrita Technology Business Incubator for C20.

IDDRI, represented by Céline Kauffmann, co-leads T20’s FT02 – "Sustainable Climate Action and Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions" with CIPÓ. Learn more here about the task forces on the T20.