Following the Finance In Common Summit held in November 2020, IDDRI, Banco do Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais (BDMG), the French Development Agency (AFD), and the Global Fund for Cities Development (FMDV), organised the launching event of the Alliance of Subnational Development Banks (SDBs) in Latin America (SDBs). 

Public banks mandated to finance local and regional governments, SDBs are key to accelerate the access to the necessary resources of local governments to deliver services and infrastructures aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Taking into consideration this important momentum, IDDRI, BDMG, AFD, and FMDV have raised the opportunity to create an alliance of SDBs in Latin America.

This launching event of the Alliance invited representatives from SDBs and NDBs (National Development Banks), national and local governments and PDBs (Public Development Banks)/ DFIs (Development Finance Institutions) to exchange on the concept, objectives, and scope of activities of the Alliance, and to share their experiences and vision. 


  • Audrey Rojkoff, Secretary-General, Finance in Common System
  • Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer, AFD
  • Sergio Gusmão Suchodolski, President, BDMG
  • Jean-François Habeau, Executive Director, FMDV
  • among others


  • Sébastien Treyer facilitated the round table 1: "SDBs" as policy and market makers for local urban transition" 

More information

Associated press release

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