The DDPP provides a proof of concept regarding how long-term strategies can be appropriated at the national level and become a real part of the domestic policy discussion.


The DDPP experience shows that designing long-term pathways can help:

  • 1. Build development pathways that are consistent with both national circumstances and global climate constraints, by adopting collective benchmarks and an explicit representation of crucial variables that both drive emissions and measure important development metrics.
  • 2. Support the identification of country-specific actions towards low-emission futures, by using a transparent and sectorally detailed common reporting template (the “dashboard”) to structure a collective learning process through structured comparisons across different visions.
  • 3. Select the short-term actions needed to follow truly transformative pathways in the long term, by adopting a “backcasting” approach which starts by defining a desirable future and works backwards to identify the policies and programs needed to reach that future from the present.
  • 4. Inform the regular revisions of domestic transformations in a context of uncertainties, by developing several low-emission scenarios and making explicit the challenges, barriers, opportunities and enabling conditions associated to each of them, at different time horizons.
  • 5. Ensure that low-emission transformations are consistent with the satisfaction of domestic development priorities, by using country-specific modeling tools to support the design of national scenarios, and in doing so provide scientific rigour to the articulation of emissions and development trajectories. A complementary approach to stakeholder engagement during the design of scenarios is needed to generate greater buy-in from a range of domestic stakeholders.
  • 6. Reveal the requirements from international cooperation to enable domestic transformations, by providing an explicit vision of the physical, technical and economic dimensions of the domestic transformations that can then be aggregated to form a global picture emerging as a composite of national trends.
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