10 am-11:30 am


  • Jean-Michel Severino, President, I&P, Investisseurs & Partenaires


  • Joe Cerrell, Director of the European Office, Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates
  • Leo Horn-Phathanothai, Director for International Cooperation, World Resources Institute (WRI)
  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, United Nations Relations, and Partnerships, World Bank
  • Teresa Ribera, Director, Iddri

Presentation of the Convergences World Forum:

Since its launch in 2008, the Convergences World Forum has become a key event for all the professionnals who seek innovative solutions to fight poverty in the world. The Forum offers experts and decision-makers a space for learning, networking and high level sharing to build answers together to the social and environmental challenges both in northern and southern countries. Every year, the Convergences World Forum is the culmination of the work of  the Convergences platform for thought and gathers more than 7000 attendees in Paris.

>> see the programme